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We Give a Good News Gospel and Invite People to Meet Jesus

Equipping You to Give the Gospel Is Our Call From God

Having You Join Us At Events Is Our Honor!

We invite anyone to join us at any time who is willing to agree to our leadership, process, and guidelines. You may join us for part or all of any event. You are always invited to our free training sessions.

Our Process


We Host Gopel Events All Across America

Scriptural Event Guidelines

The harvest is ripe - we expect people to meet Jesus

The word of God does not return void - we speak Gospel scriptures and not our words

Be joyful in hope - no matter what happens, we give the Gospel in joy and hope. We laugh and have fun.

Be patient in affliction - that includes heat, rain, sleeplessness, and physical pain!

Be faithful in prayer - pray without ceasing

Unity with one another - absolutely no strife, gossip, whining, complaining, slander....The enemy will be given no toeholds into this Holy Work.

Run with perseverance - suit up and show up on time and stay together as a group until the end of each day

Go two by two - we function as a group during event evangelism. We stay together. Each Gospel encounter has a preacher and spiritual cover.

Leaders are God's servant to help you - We stick to a proven Bible based common process. Leaders set the schedule, restaurants, teams, and Gospel approach so team members only have to think about sharing Jesus.

Be kind - if you're mad at team members or the not yet saved, keep your mouth closed.

Love God and people - if you're not feeling love, close your mouth.

The demons are subject to us - the enemy will try but he has no authority in our teams.

And finally, listen to the advice and accept correction from leaders - Only join us in DC or at any ministry event if you are willing to accept our leadership. The Holy Spirit has asked us to lead these events. We handpick teachers and leaders and trust them to do their jobs. We take that Biblical leadership responsibility seriously.

Financial Guidelines

People contribute to assist with bringing Gospel Team Members to events. We ask you to raise your own support or pay as much as you are able. We offer financial assistence for part or all of:


To qualify for financial assistance you must:

Need funding to be able to participate.
Attend our training and the entire event.
Agree to continually give the Gospel and/or provide spiritual cover for someone giving the Gospel as needed. Whenever possible, we will accomidate role preferences.
Agree to our guidelines and evangelism process.
Memorize our Gospel scriptures and questions.

Watch our training videos.
Have evangelized with us or a regular member of our team previously.
Agree to be on time and stay for the duration of all event sessions.
Be willing to keep receipts and turn in expense report.
Keep track of names of people you lead to Jesus, ask for emails, and enter their email itno our data base via text message.


We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave an event at any time for any reason.

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